Top Vacation Rental Marketing Strategies to Boost Bookings in Brevard County

Top Vacation Rental Marketing Strategies to Boost Bookings in Brevard County

Tourism in Brevard County is on the rise! The economic impact reached over $4.5 billion, with tourism spending reaching nearly $3 billion. With the right vacation rental tips, you can benefit from this influx of visitors.

Not sure how to increase rental bookings for your Brevard County vacation property? Read on for the tips you need to guarantee your vacation rental success.

Enhance the Property

Guests won't want to stay in your vacation rental if there are more attractive options available. Before using the rest of these vacation rental tips, upgrade the property. Upgrades that can improve the property's value include:

  • Streaming services
  • A porch swing
  • Extra storage
  • Luxury grooming and beauty items
  • Kitchen luxuries
  • Smart home features
  • Extra linens and toiletries
  • Great outdoor spaces

Invest in the property's curb appeal to catch a potential guest's attention. In some cases, the property's exterior is the first thing they see. Trim the yard, plant flowers, and make the property look inviting.

After making these changes, take professional, high-quality photos of the property. A picture says a thousand words! Take dozens of photos to generate interest.

Consider filming a walkthrough video tour. Potential guests can explore the property from their screens to determine if it meets their needs. You can use these photos and videos for other digital marketing strategies.

Use Multiple Vacation Rental Platforms

Update your property's listing on multiple vacation rental platforms. These include:

  • Agoda
  • Airbnb
  • TripAdvisor
  • Vrbo
  • Expedia

Using multiple platforms will increase the property's visibility. You can direct more people to the property to increase rental bookings.

Enhance the property listing to ensure it provides guests with all the information they need. Write an attention-grabbing headline and detailed description of the property.

When writing the description, imagine who you're trying to reach. For example, is the property ideal for families or traveling business professionals? Cater the description based on their needs to drive interest.

End the description with a compelling call to action to increase rental bookings.

Leverage Digital Marketing for Rentals

Digital marketing for rentals can direct more people to your online listing. Maximize your reach using:

  • Content marketing
  • Search engine optimization
  • Paid advertising
  • Social media marketing
  • Email marketing

Consider partnering with a property management company. They can develop and manage your campaigns to boost your ROI.

Generate Reviews

Ask guests to share their reviews online a day after they check out. Offer five-star experiences to increase satisfaction rates.

Generating positive reviews can make your property more desirable to future guests. Share these reviews on social media to generate interest.

Outsource Your Rental Property Marketing

Instead of applying these tips alone, outsource. Hire a property management company that offers rental property marketing services. Leverage their expertise to attract more people to your vacation property.

Use Effective Vacation Rental Marketing Strategies

Don't let your Brevard County rental property sit empty! Instead, use these vacation rental marketing strategies. With a strong campaign, you can boost bookings to generate more revenue.

Remember, you don't have to juggle these tasks alone. Our team at PMI Brevard is part of a fast-growing property management franchise. Trust our award-winning services, proven strategies, and state-of-the-art technology.

Want to increase rental bookings? Contact us today for a free consultation!
